Advertisements What, Who, Why?

Written by DP and KF

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

The goals of are to provide informative resources on cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities and exploitation methodologies, and to archive XSS vulnerable websites for statistic purposes. Mirroring websites is a way to prove to vendors and webmasters, that the vulnerability really existed - in case of denial. Users will become more aware on protecting themselves on some websites, as XSS vulnerabilities are mostly targeting the users and not the websites.


Web-based XSS filter to protect from XSS attacks

Written by DP

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Anurag Agarwal from, has created a web-based XSS filter - written in Java - to test against all the possible attacks mentioned in the RSnake's XSS cheat sheet.


Vista hole opens door to 'shout hacking'

Written by Paul F. Roberts, InfoWorld

Sunday, 4 February 2007

The honeymoon ended early for Microsoft's Vista operating system, after word spread Wednesday about a flaw that could allow remote attackers to take advantage of the new operating system's speech recognition feature.


Microsoft warns over fourth Word flaw

Written by Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus

Sunday, 4 February 2007

Microsoft is investigating another flaw in Microsoft Word that is reportedly being used in targeted attacks against its customers, the software giant stated in an advisory published late Friday.


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45884 total xss
14724 special xss
3026 fixed
5328 xss onhold
2933 EW subscribers

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